Saturday, February 14, 2009

Round Dance

Tilde made this "Round Dance" block. It is based on the general idea of the Square Dance block.
She writes :
I used the corner unit from the Apple Core collection, for the individual bits. The downside of this is, that you get twice as many as you need, because you can only use one corner for the block. The upside is, that you can make two mirror-image blocks at the same time.

Size of block : 10" square


  1. This is a darling little block! So many possibilities here..

  2. This is so pretty Tilde. I was thinking, dangerous thing for me, but what if you were to make 'a piece of fabric' with the Apple Core then use the appropriate size square ruler to then fussy cut the blocks out of it. (place the center of the ruler over the cross section) There should be no waste then.... Just a thought.. can't try it as I don't have the program yet. :-D Hope this makes sense, Elly

  3. Well, no Elly, I don't think so. You need seam-allowances too, remember ! So you would waste an awful lot of fabric ... unless you did fancy things with the embroidery stitches on your machine :-)

  4. lenesam@yahoo.comMay 16, 2009 at 3:11 PM

    This is a cute block - would like to make it with 30's fabrics.
